Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Item #6


It was really neat to look around the Picasa website. I especially liked the search field - I typed in "Estes Park chipmunks" and it brought up pictures from Estes. Hopefully the photo link above works correctly. I linked to this picture for two reasons: one, this blog is called Pet Talk and while a chipmunk is not technically a pet, it's an animal so I figured that was close enough. Two, my family went to Estes Park on vacation in 2007, and took the tram to the top of a mountain there. At the top, you were allowed to get out and climb among the rocks/boulders at the top of the mountain. There were tons of chipmunks hanging around there - the gift shop sells bags of peanuts so you can feed the chipmunks.

We must have spent well over an hour feeding them and watching the chipmunks scurry around the mountainside. The bigger, fatter chipmunks were not afraid of us and would come close to get a peanut. The smaller, younger chipmunks were more wary and skittish - I'm sure they'll become more friendly over time as they get used to humans feeding them! I have several of my own pictures of these little critters on my computer at home, so when I saw this on Picasa, it brought back memories of that trip.

I didn't even realize something like Picasa (or Flickr, etc) existed out on the web! I guess that's the point of going through this "23 Things" training. :)

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